Keeping up with technology is a lot of work. Luckily, we enjoy wading through the noise just to find the gems of awesomeness sprinkled throughout. Fusion Radar is our gift to you, Current or Potential Client, so that you can enjoy all of the awesome without any of the drudgery. Unwrap it each week, and know that you’re loved by the geeks and pixel-pushers at Agency Fusion.
Dart is a new approach to making email more efficient.
Term Boy
Term Boy is a Game Boy emulator built for the Linux console.
Amazon One Hour Delivery
Amazon is now offering one hour delivery service in Manhattan.
Use your iPad as a professional graphics tablet.
RegExpBuilder allows you to create regular expressions in a programming language by chaining methods together.
Hamburger Menus
Some research suggests hamburger menus may have undesirable side effects.
Our Creative Thinking
Most creative thinking is done in the car, shower and bed. When we do manual repetitive tasks our minds go into autopilot mode, freeing our unconscious mind.