It's been a hectic, busy day today but I'm headed home with a sugar-filled satisfaction. Today Agency Fusion is officially 10 years old, and although we had a load of client work that still needed to be done today, we took time for some serious celebration.

We started our day with a pastry-enhanced, 10-year retrospective. I hit the decade's highlights and talked about the highs and lows of getting where we are today. For some of our newer team members, it was a good chance to learn more about Agency Fusion's roots. For those of us who've been here a lot longer, it was a chance to reminisce a bit.

A company lunch at Happy Sumo left us all in a sushi coma but gave us a chance to unwind and hang out. After lunch and a bit more client work, we wrapped up our day with a few more hours of celebration. Pam made an amazing chocolate birthday cake, which made me feel like every minute of the 10 years was worth it. David designed a great anniversary shirt for us so that we can enter our next decade sporting fresh threads.

Perhaps the biggest celebration of the day was the internal launch of a new product we've been working on. It's still in the works and not yet publicly available, but we're extremely excited about it. We all love solving complex problems for our clients, but it's also very satisfying to be working on our own idea. This post isn't about the product, but you can learn a bit more about Built for Teams if you're curious. Oh, and we absolutely destroyed a piñata full of only the best candy to celebrate the launch.

As my sugar high wears off and I realize I need real food, I'll wrap up this semi-personal post by saying how much I appreciate working alongside people who love what they do. I'm thrilled with what we've accomplished and even more excited about what we're going to do in the next decade.