Web Design Icons

Brankic1979 has created an icon library with “350 pixel perfect icons” available for free download.


Datavisualization.ch is a news and knowledge resource site for data visualizations and infographics. The site not only provides great data, it also provides tools for data visualization and infographic creation. One of the features on their site is the selection tool, which allows designers and developers can view examples of what is possible for data visualization on the web. Using the selection tool, visitors can filter by what type of visualization they are looking for – whether maps, charts, or data – and can also select whether they are willing to write some of their own code or not.


Leap is a device that allows you to control a computer with natural hand and finger movements. The device is about the side of an iPod Touch and creates a 3D interaction space of 8 cubic feet. It senses your hand and/or finger movements, as well as other items (like a pen). The device won't be ready until the end of 2012, but check out their demo video and get excited for the release.


easel.io is an in-browser web design tool. Currently it is in alpha stage and requires requesting an invite, but if you are looking for a streamlining tool, it might be worth your time.


SpaceMonkey is a device that allows users to “take the cloud out of the data center and move it…into consumers' homes.” Each device provides 1GB of space for personal use and 1GB of space for the SpaceMonkey system's use. The extra gigabyte on each device is used for storing backups of other users' data. Rather than having all user data stored in one place, SpaceMonkey distributes the data across all user devices for a decentralized approach to redundancy.


ShortcutFoo is a website that teaches users how to work faster by learning shortcuts for applications such as Vim, Sublime, TextMate, Xcode, Command Line, and Photoshop. The site helps you “become a shortcut ninja through interactive learning and repetition.” You can also add your own shortcuts that you've created.

Also: Download CheatSheet from the Mac App Store to view available shortcuts of the active application on your machine.

Adobe Shadow

Adobe Shadow is a tool that allows developers to quickly preview and customize websites for mobile devices. You can wirelessly pair multiple iOS and Android devices to your computer, and while browsing with Chrome, you can also browse on all devices in sync. You can also remotely inspect and debug sites by targeting a device and using basic dev tools to make changes to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (AND see it on your device instantly). So, if you are developer struggling with mobile web testing and debugging, get the download at Adobe Labs.


Xip.io is a free service that allows anyone to create a wildcard DNS for any IP address. This will allow you to access hosts on your development web server from devices on your local network (iPads, iPhones, other computers, etc.) Xip.io does this by running a custom DNS server on the Internet. So when your computer looks up the xip.io domain you created, the DNS server extracts the IP address and sends it back in the response.


Tactus is a tactile UI for touch screen devices. Tactus gives dimension to your touchscreen with physical buttons that rise from the surface on demand, and then recede back into the screen. Tactus claims that this new feature for touchscreens will eliminate the two problems inherent in glass touchscreens, “confirmation” and “orientation.” Quite possibly the coolest feature would be the ability to customize button layouts, shapes, locations, and sizes. So how do they do it? Well, we will let them tell you.


Skillcrush is a community-driven way to learn about web-related technology. The site offers things from tech term definitions to interviews.