Remember when you were in elementary school and every once in a while, on a very special day, your whole class would pile into the big yellow school bus and leave for the day on a magical thing called a "field trip?"

This wasn't that.

But it was almost as good.

For those of you that don't know, the Agency Fusion Lab Day is a day in which we put our regular projects aside and focus individually or in teams on a project of our choosing. It gives us a chance to check out a new code library, or to explore what can be done with the clever use of an Arduino. Furthermore, it allows us to try a few things that are still to experimental to infuse into our clients' projects. Plus, it can be a lot of fun. If you're into that sort of thing.

So, how did the day go? Awesome. In fact, this entire post is being written….by a robot we built from scratch yesterday!

Editor's note: That last sentence is not true. However, we will soon be showing off–on this very blog–a cool piece of robotic genius that we worked with on Labs Day. Stay tuned.