Pixelapse is visual version-control for designers. If you are a developer, think of it as Git for designers. Pixelapse allows designers to save files (logos, wireframes, designs, etc.) to an online account which tracks each version of the file..
The tool includes an app that installed on the desktop, which allows the designer to save and have the files uploaded to Pixelapse at the same time. Each time a document is saved, a version is saved to Pixelapse. Pixelapse is also a great collaboration tool. Because the files are hosted online, clients can view and comment on designs.
For any business where design collaboration is needed; marketing, advertising, design, or interactive agencies Pixelapse is a great tool.
Note: Pixelapse is still in Beta the system isn't yet perfect.
JewelryBox is a desktop app (available in the Mac App store) that allows developers to manage their rubies, gemsets and gems with a graphical interface.
JewelryBox is a developer tool that is most useful when working on multiple Ruby on Rails apps. It allows for quick switching between versions of Ruby. JewelryBox is basically a graphical version of RVM.