Developing websites to look right in all browsers can be a pain. Many people aren't aware that browser manufacturers often deviate from established web standards, which means developers have to do extra work to make a site look the same in all browsers.

Microsoft's IE 6 is the worst browser, hands down, in our current list of browsers we code for. Ask any experienced web developer if they're tired of hacking code to work in IE 6 and they'll passionately agree.

The folks at .net magazine have created a website devoted solely to spreading the word that it's time for IE 6 to die. Thanks, Laura, for the link!

Until IE 6 really is dead, have some compassion on the web developers you work with and either don't force them to support IE 6 or at least acknowledge that you're asking them to do a lot of extra work. If you're starting a new design and you know you want/need to support IE 6, talk to your developers first and ask them what you can do to make the design more IE 6-friendly.